UPDATE: Kent Hovind is a charlatan who bilked money from people who don’t understand Science. “Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Hovind
You have to watch the Google video below to get the full expanse of this guys insanity. A more cynical view might be that he is simply playing to this crowd, as they are potential victims.
WFH with privacy? 85% of Brit bosses snoop on staff
42 minutes ago
Clinically stupid or just delusional? Are you talking about Kent or yourself? lol
Couple of things, I watched the same video and saw Shermer get smoked the entire time, as did everybody else. Nice spin! Not even his jokes were good, let alone his scientific answers. lol.
Next, maybe you can come up with some REAL proof for evolution and make a few zillion bucks. Hovind offered 250K, but I'm sure academia will pay you far more!
Next, you knock the bible and well.. Nice try there, sounds like the typical crap stuff that's said when a person doesn't know their ass from a.. nevermind.
Let's see you come up with some proof the Bible is incorrect or contradicts itself. You'll make big bucks there as well, because you'd be the first person to do so.
So, Prove evolution, disprove the Bible. Easy enough. Good luck!
Oh wait.. one more thing.
I'm told there are actual fossils out there which show footprints of men and of dino's together. Alot of this came out in a book called Forbidden Archaelogy.
As for your flood comments, well it's a hell of alot easier to believe the flood than evolution! All over the earth we have proof of the flood. From the clams atop high mountains, to water damage seen on the pyramids. The damage to the sphinx is believed to be water. Gee. How'd that happen IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT!?
do you not realize that all the mythological creatures/gods we have had in history come from pre-flood times. Atlantis the underwater world being destroyed by water? It's the pre-flood times and man has been striving to get back ever since. Just take a look on your money: New world order is coming! Antichrist babey! Just don't get the mark whatever u do, cause it will happen in your life time. Remember that and u'r cool!
If I should write about Kent Hovind, I would make sure that I used logic and arguments. You don't. Most of what you write is pure hatred mixed up with pseudologic like, "you can not mean it, because the majority does not mean it, so I can laugh and say you are wrong". Where are your facts and arguments? Did Kent Hovind say anything factual wrong? If so, state it and prove it. If not, you are rather pathetic. By the way, Hitler was not a Christian, he, and most of the Nazi Elite, belonged to the occult Thule order. His theory of Aryan race is heavily based on occult Helena Blavatsky. Darwinism opened up for the view that humans are different races, more or less close to the apes. Kill the apelike humans, and you get a better race. Hence Nazism is founded on Darwinism. The Bible states that we all are humans period. Not more or less. By the way, sorry for my english, not my mother tongue. Conclusion. You are the one who may be clinically stupid or just delusional - not Kent Hovind.
PS don't have time to come back here later. Anyway, wish you all the best despite different opinion.
Ok to the person of the first 2 posts. After reading your rant I can only come to one conclusion. You obviously have no scientific education and need to do some reading before you ever speak to anyone on science ever again.
This can be the only answer to you as I am not fluent in moron.
Kent Hovind is a creationist douchebag who shouts about Christian values and then doesn't pay his taxes and gets sent to jail. He is a hypocrit who tries to bastardise science with his archaic myths.
I was looking for some Anti-Kovind stuff and found this page. WOW!! What an awesome video. I would recommend you remove it from your article because it further discredits the point you are trying to make. You gotta love science. Without it, people might actually think evolution is a viable theory. The Earth is a little over 6000 years old and until evidence can be presented to suggest otherwise, I refuse to believe anything other than Genesis. The bible is historically accurate and is infallible. You may be an awesome human being, but remember we all fall short but through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life. You don't have to believe that but the Bible says that all will believe and be judged. If you still believe in evolution, read this:
Darwin's myth.....BUSTED!!
By the way. Darwin, himself, admitted his theory is flawed due to the complexity of the human eye. He did not have to LOOK hard to figure that out.
Many non-believers who are scientist are coming around to the truth as well. Natural selection and evolution is just plain ole fiction. Fun to read about but it does not belong in text books.
In case you have not convinced yet, here is some more science for you:
It is obvious to me that you have never read an evolution textbook and only read stupid quotes from an ID website (probably demski's). Your comments show an extreme lack of understand on evolution and on reality for that matter. I suppose you think fossils where planted by god to test your faith.
When someone is so cut off from reality and untrenched in their faith as you are I am afraid my only option is ridicule.
Stop reading excerpts from "Of Pandas and People" and actually buy a real evolution textbook. Matt Ridley or Douglas J. Futuyma both have excellent textbooks.
You say "You gotta love science. Without it, people might actually think evolution is a viable theory. The Earth is a little over 6000 years old and until evidence can be presented to suggest otherwise, I refuse to believe anything other than Genesis"
Huh? without science people might think evolution is viable. That makes no sense. It is because of science that evolution is viable and science is how it was figured out. You choose to believe a 2000 year old work of fiction over mountains of evidence.
I personally don't think ignorance is bliss but perhaps for you it is. I prefer to know what is as close to the truth as possible.
Ah, this is where the morons rant.
Bible contradictions? hmm, let me see, erm, how about the first chapter of the old testament saying that the animals were created first, then people vs the second chapter which says man was created first, then animals, then woman. Or lets try the New testament. Lets look at Matthew 1, that should be safe - oh damm, jesus has a moabite ancestor, and that is not allowed, oh no, jehoikim is there too, and his line was eternally cursed by god - Argh, what do you mean Luke 3 gives a totally different genealogy, and includes nathan, surely the messianic line should come through his brother Solomon? Oh no, thats just the first chapters of the OT and the NT, and the bibe is talking shit!
Hey, have you looked at messianic prophecies? Try the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) Read it in context it is about events occuring around 2730 BCE, where two kings were threatening Ahaz. God tells him that a young woman/virgin (it is'nt really important which because of context) will give birth as an assurance to AHAZ that the kingdom will be protected. How is that about jesus you ranting fruit cake??????? I could go on, but my one short life is all too short to waste on you mr fundie. To you the age of reason was something that happened to some one else.
oh, ok here's another one. Those human footprints are actualy incomplete dinosaur ones. Have you seen the size of them? Strange that the few incomplete ones are part of a theropod track too http://www.bibleandscience.com/science/footprints.htm
Oh, Ok one more. How come at the Dover County intelligent design trial a conservative christian judge kicked it out as no scientific? and that one of the christians lied under oath.
Man are you ignorant and nasty.
I really mean it this time, this is your last one you wild eyed fundie you! Luke dates the birth of susej (hope writing it backward did not upset you) at about 6CE, but Matthew dates it at about 4 BCE. This means that as well as the virgin birth myth, lukes dating means that the story of herod and the slaughter of the innocents must be bullshit too. I suggest you read this, it deals with all christian lies and excuses on the topic http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/richard_carrier/quirinius.html
Jesus is dead Happy delusion and belated Darwin Day
mr mental says "I refuse to believe anything other than genesis"
Oops, look like I misjugded you, you are actually a rational person who will consider evidence like radioactive decay of lead, "junk" DNA and transitional fossils.
Personally, I have always found Phil Collins has little to say on the matter. Try Deacon blue instead
This post has attracted alot of nutjobs. At least all the comments aren't from the insane.
Just a thought...you say that Hovind is a hypocrit because he messes up. think about this...If it's true that a Christian doing something morally wrong classifies them as a hypocrit, then someone that isn't a christian doing something morally good should also classify as hypocritical. You done anything good lately?
Even the Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23. That includes Christians. We aren't perfect, just forgiven. As for the geneologies that you quoted in matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3, The one in Luke traces his geneology all the way back to adam (the first man. Matthew's version only goes back to Abraham, the father of the Hebrews.
You can't prove evolution except for micro evolution (variations within a kind) because it isn't observable. You can't reproduce it. It can't be tested. That's why evolution is a THEORY and not a LAW. A theory is nothing more than something that someone thinks happens but can't reproduce it and can't prove it. I'll be praying for you guys that don't have Christ. He loves you and gave his life for you! He's the way the truth and the life. No man can come to the father except through Him - John 14:6.
Dont be silly. I dont think you have liiked at tose genealogies properly. The differences are after David, and contain many other problems too. I am aware of the christian excuses for this and they are without any evidence at all (in fact no one can agree on the "proper" response. Good luck with the prayer. It wont work! I abandonned christianity when I realised it was a lie. I hope you come to the same realisation. It really makes life better.
PS Look up the proper definition of theory
Cheers Billy,
It is true that most people who call evolution a theory don't actually understand what the word theory means in science. A theory isn't just a wacky and cooky idea that a scientist thought up. A theory coherently and scientifically combines many different facts and laws. It is a comprehensive explanation of many pieces of information. Evolution is a theory the same as gravity is a theory, atoms are a theory "atomic theory" and plate tectonics are a theory. Theories are the most important thing in science. Every scientific discipline has them.
Also. Please don't quote your mythical book to me. Your book isn't magic. Grow up and stop pretending it is.
I will try to not go into great detail as I do not have much time but, let me just say that you most obviously do not know your history, science or the Bible. Let me start with the Bible.
1. Bible believers or Christians DO NOT believe that gays should be killed, that misbehaving children should be stoned or that women who lose their virginity should be killed! Where did you hear these fairy taes??? The Bible comes NOWHERE close to teaching these things!! Yes, their should be consequences for misbehaving children but only to teach them how to become responsible, loving, obedient adults. The Bible also states that gays are not correct and are immoral but that does not mean killing them! Instead they are to love them and witness to them.
Now, for history. Hitler was NOT a Christian. What on earth gives you that kind of an idea??? No, he abolished any churches who would not follow HIMSELF and would kill any pastors who would not pledge their allegiance to him. Excuse me if I am wrong but that does not sound like a Christian to me. A true Christian is to love God and follow HIM only. Not set himself up as someone whom the Church needs to follow and pledge allegiance to. Noe, Hitler based most of his doctrines, laws and barbarianism upon Darwin's theories. He was very much enamored with them.
Now, science. Let me state that EVOLUTION is a religion for you would have to believe an awful lot to have faith that the big bang occured from NOTHING and from a dot that was made up from specks of dirt or dust...where did that dirt or dust come from may I ask if NOTHING was there?
These are my thoughts and you have no right to be writing about things that you have no idea about.
Hi there,
You see what happens, they kill the messenger. They can not kill the message. Think abbout that one.
Just one more thing. There is 2 places where EVERY body will believe in God and His word and that is Heaven and Hell. Some in time and some to late.
Guys, he's right. Get your act together and make right with the only true God. You're going to have to stand in front of Him one day. Alone.
I saw the bit a about brother Hovan not paying his taxes, I dont pay tax and that does not make me any less of a good person. Let me ask that person WHAT GOOD ARE YOU DOING IN THE WORLD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR THE GREATER CAUSE OF MAN KIND, cause I know what i do ! and how can he be a hypocrit, is there an 11th commandment that says "tho shalt pay tax so that your goverment may wage war". Tax is a man made law not Gods law!
Hi Frank,
The Bible says that we should render unto Ceaser what is his. So we must pay taxes, and Kent did that. They got him on technical point.
Hovind ranted on lots of bullshit of how everything he had was gods and he works for god and that GOD shouldn't have to pay taxes.
NO! Mr Hovind. You are a man, you run a religious theme park. It is a business. You have to pay taxes. Delusional beliefs don't exempt you from the law.
"chemical evolution - stars are making elements, elements are making stars. who came first??"
"also, you can't fuse past iron. how DID uranium come about then?"
wow...hasn't he heard of supernovas...
Darwin didn't invent nucleogenesis.
The evolution of life on earth isn't the same as the big bang.
Who ever told you that Christians believed that gays should be killed, misbehaving children should be stoned and women who aren't virgins when married should be stoned? All have fallen. Christians included. But what I don't understand is how you can be saying that the Bible is inaccurate when science is proving the Bible more and more everyday. Sure, no one can scientificlly prove the Bible is the word of God, but thats where faith comes in. On the other hand their are things that the Bible says that can be proved using scientific methods.
I guess you believe that homosexuallity is fine. That there should be no more than a million people on earth. That animals are more valuable that humans. That there is other life forms out in other galaxys, and that absolutly nothing exploded and formed something.
I guess it is safe to also assume that you drive a electric or an alternate fuel vehical, and believe that animals should not be harmed, yet eat at mcdonalds for lunch everyday.
If you would like I would be happy to debate with you on any of these matters. God bless.
haha ok first of all if I said "hey look at this heap of metal, lets C4 it and see if we get something then C4 it again until we get a honda!" would u belive me? same with evolution cant make a animal with rock here fellas plus no one helping it eather. and have you noticed no one actually won the 250k yet? guess y? exactly cuz ur all haters deluded by the devil> that is all Venny
The big bang is sometimes described as a titanic explosion that happened 13.7 billion years ago. 'Explosion' is a misnomer since the Big Bang happened everywhere at once and there was no pre-existing void into which the Universe erupted. Space and time and energy all came into being in the Big Bang. The Universe began in a super-dense, super-hot state 13.7 billion years ago and has been expanding and cooling ever since.
Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it never happened. Fortunately your belief isn't a prerequisite for the truth.
But hold on a sec... How did nothing, explode?
Oh wait, excuse me. How did nothing, "erupt"?
That is how the universe worked at that stage.
And that would be pure speculation.
Are you saying the big bang is just speculation?
Perhaps it would be speculation to someone ignorant of the evidence and mathematics that backs it up.
Go read about the Big Bang. Its interesting.
Irrelevant bullshit(oops I cussed, guess 100 angels just died).
So you think that I brought that up because of my religion? And even if that is true your still beating around the bush.
1. Are you telling me you are an atheist now?
2. What bush?
3. You have still to make a coherent point on anything.
You said in your first two comments
"But hold on a sec... How did nothing, explode?"
"Oh wait, excuse me. How did nothing, "erupt"?"
Nothing exploded. The Big Bang was a massive expansion of space. What exactly are you trying to ask? Please be clear.
1. no I'm no athiest
2. The bush is every thing in my first and second posts
3. My point is that you are spouting nonsense
4. You said it "erupted", and you still haven't answered in a decent retort on how we all came form nothing!
Who said we came from nothing? This is another misunderstanding of the big bang. We only understand the universe from something called Planck time. Before this we have no currently accepted theory of how matter interacts. General relativity is used to extrapolate to Planck time but before that it can't be used as this is the world of Quantum mechanics.
What is the much looked after "theory of everything" as physicists sometimes call it. Basically they are trying to merge mathematically General relativity with quantum mechanics but we may have to develop a new form of mathematics to do it. There are some current theories but things like string theory don't seem testable in near future even if it is correct.
I am not your science teacher. I am willing to help people out to an extent but if you aren't willing to educate yourself I won't do it for you. I have books of my own that I want to read and time might be relative but its also precious.
So you don't believe that the universe came from nothing but about every other scientist does, and you've never brought that up before.
Which scientists think the universe came out of nothing. Can you link me to the article in which any of them said this?
Isn't the theist belief that god created the universe from nothing?
Yes God did create the universe from nothing, BUT, the difference was and is that there was an omniscient being creating it. What your saying is that we are some random fart of the universe!
Yes "random fart" isn't a straw man or massive caricature of what I said.
What created god? God+
Ah. That is the answer you refuse to believe! Gad has always been there. This is because he created time and lives outside of it.
We and others who don't believe, have still found much more evidence that creation is true than the evolution theory.
By the way, how are bones dated? I believe that I know but I want you to answer this
I noted that in one of your posts you said that "When someone is so cut off from reality and untrenched in their faith as you are I am afraid my only option is ridicule." Such a vehement response on your part belies more than a little emotional investment in the subject. How interesting that this same emotional response which non-believers attribute to Christians seems to be at least in part fueling/influencing your own thought process. How much of your god-less stance is based on reason and how much is led by blind emotional entrenchment?
I recognize that current scientific theory states that the universe started out as a super-dense point of matter. What I fail to see is how this theory negates the existence of a creator. The Bible states that God spoke everything into being. Nowhere in scripture do I see anything that contradicts the Big Bang. In fact, the Big Bang theory lends credence to the ID perspective. One as well versed in the current theories pertaining to the origins of the universe as yourself should be well aware that in the first few moments after the big bang, the expanding matter was actually traveling at speed exceeding that of light. Now, everyone knows that as matter approaches the C (speed of light for those who don't know) it becomes infinitely massive. For a moment the mass of the entire universe went from being just uncomprehendable to infinite. It would take an infinite amount of energy for this to happen. Where exactly is someone supposed to find an infinite amount of energy? I know of only one possible source for that much energy. Need I spell it out? God leaves His fingerprints everywhere, we just have to be willing to see them.
Please understand that I am not, for a moment calling your intelligence into question. I just find that in light of the ever-increasing multitudes of facts and discoveries relative to this issue that if one takes a fair and balanced view he/she might find that this issue is not as cut and dried as some scientist would have us believe.
Don't make the mistake that any kind of vast emotions are being felt on my part when I type words in a blog on the internet. They generally aren't.
To any claim the default position is disbelief, keep in mind this is not being against the belief it is just disbelief. I have never been religious and have never seen any evidence to believe in a god or anything supernatural.
You write "What I fail to see is how this theory negates the existence of a creator."
No creator is posited in the big bang theory. Positing a creator only make it more complex. What created the creator. Look up Occam's razor. It slices, it dices.
If you think ID(The ideological buddie of creationsim) is a valid theory I am afraid I will have to call your intelligence into question.
You write "I know of only one possible source for that much energy. Need I spell it out? God leaves His fingerprints everywhere, we just have to be willing to see them." Here you have basically made up a concept, called it god and given it attributes and said it solves a problem. Pure fiction.
The "just have to be willing to see him" stuff is utter bullshit.
To Schnide,
Read some
So to summarize your answer, is that they date bones by the rocks, and the rocks by the layers that are in them.
Have you or anyone else come up with viable proof that this system actually works? Or was the entire idea thought up by some person on the toilet seat, so to speak.
As for my friend Theophilus, he may not be able to respond for a while as he was using my laptop and I have no idea what his e-mail is. But he has asked me to keep him informed.
Serious scientists don't treat any non-trivial topic as 'cut and dried'.
'God' is the opposite of an 'explanation' - postulating some immensely incomprehensible magical intelligent being that has either always just existed, or could somehow magic itself into existence, in response to a current gap in our understanding is ridiculous.
An 'explanation' really only works if it shows how something can be fitted into existing knowledge, perhaps with some straightforward extrapolation. Otherwise you have replaced an gap in our knowledge with a something totally speculative and intrinsically beyond rational investigation.
The history of our understanding of nature has shown a relentless process of replacement of supernatural explanations of natural phenomena with much more useful scientific explanations.
I can kind of see where your coming from. But you realy need to do your research. When you add God and the creationist time line into the equation it makes perfect sense!
All that I see you doing is trying to make yourself sound versed in both sides of the argument by using vocabulary!
Yes. Radiometric dating works. Go research it. You seem to want me to do all the work for you.
The method is based on the natural decay of the radioactive isotopes of certain elements, such as uranium, carbon, and potassium. These rates can be determined experimentally. For example, 235 Uranium decays very slowly over hundreds of millions of years to 207 lead. Hence, if you measure the amount of decayed product, you have a measure of time elapsed; it's as simple as that.
With refinements of method and increasing scientific knowledge and technological development, these measurements become even more accurate.
So Schnide, so I have to dumb down my language to kindergarten or Sunday School level?
All the trouble God had to go to make it look like light had been travelling for billions of years, stars appearing in various stages of development which look just like there is a common path they follow in condensing out of gas clouds all the way thru to either going nova, or red giant, or collapse to some dwarf star.
In other words, all the observations thru so many fields of science which just don't really fir into the Creationist timeline.
Assuming no god is what makes all these observations more straightforward and comprehensible.
So what your saying is that elements decay. I completely and utterly believe that! But how did the other elements come into existence, and how did life even start withouts some sort of motor?
You asked me what created God. What created whatever that the universe erupted from?
Do you know how to read? I never said that I had a problem with understanding you. I said that you did not look like you had done your research into creationism. And God did not "make it look like light had been traveling for billions of years" evolutionists just came up with that crap, most likely, so they could think of themselves as gods. Personally if I believed in evolution I would go and shoot myself! There would be no point in living!
Schnide. I asked you "Who created God" and your answer is to tell me that I asked you that, then you ask me a question. You still haven't answered what I asked lol.
The elements Hydrogen, Helium and a bit of lithium came from the big bang. Other heavier elements came from stars that eventually went supernova.
If you are asking me what was the proverbial "bang" a bit of a misnomer but ok. The real answer is I don't know. Perhaps this is how the universe is. Perhaps two other universes collided creating ours. Perhaps it was a collision of branes as in a multiverse type theory. I don't know, this is just speculation. I don't need to fill gaps in my current knowledge with mythical figures of which I have no evidence.
You are assuming a god exists in the first place and you have nothing but speculation.
I ask you again. What created God. If God can exists forever why can't the universe just exist forever in one form or another.
Schnide say "straw man, straw man, straw man, mythical belief, mythical belief, straw man, illogical bullshit, circular reasoning, nonsensical arguments"
I think I have summed you up pretty well. You confuse scientific disciplines and intersperse it with stupidity and ad homs against evolutionists(not a scientific term). Your arguments are white noise.
'Evolutionists' made up ideas about the size and age of the Universe???
Sorry, Darwin etc has nothing to say about astronomy or cosmology.
It was discoveries in Geology in particular which began to point to a much older age for the Earth, which came before Darwin's ideas, which made his theory of gradual change thru natural selection plausible, not the other way round.
Of course once you assume a super magician is behind everything, then he can make things look however he wants, and we can't technically disprove it.
But science has steadily reduced the gaps where believers can point to the 'need' for a God 'explanation', so it really is unnecessary.
Schnide, if you really had no problem with my vocabulary, why did you make it into some kind of disparaging comment?
I was just making the charitable assumption that you genuinely found my words a bit difficult rather than trying to make some sort of insult,
Hey this is kalin, and now you know why i don't blog. the level of science education offered by our public education system is laughable. In this day and age, to have people believe the bible is literally true is inexcusable. Is these kind of people that re-elected Bush after his abysmal first term. They're living in their own little world.
Sorry I've been away I'm on PST so it was close to midnight when I made my last post
Steven, as to your first post I did answer your question! I said that God did create the universe from nothing, BUT the difference between your idea and mine is that I believe that there IS an omniscient creator that created it all! You asked me who created God? Nothing created Him. The reason why I believe this is because it is in His word, and before you say that I'm just basing this off of assumptions, so many things concerning the Bible have been proven! More so than evolution or the big bang!
I'm sorry that my diction was incorrect. So go ahead and substitute where I said evolution in my post to you for big bang.
As for my 2nd post to you, I said that you were trying to make yourself sound researched. Any one with the intelligence of a door stop could have seen that you were trying to sound smart when (in that post) you were blowing hot, unintelligent, air. This is one of those times where I would say: "what you lack in intelligence, you make up for in arrogance."
To kalin,
Yes it is laughable how little we are taught in our education system. However not for the reasons you are talking about. Do they teach that in Pangaea that there is no Greenland? That they shrunk Africa to make it fit? (now I know why African Americans call us racist!) I think you can see where this is going, no they don't. They teach nothing about the flaws of evolution theory, but they don't teach creationism because they find supposed flaws in it like parables that weren't supposed to be taken literally, and when we give them the answer to stevens question, "who created God?" They think that we're idiots, even though they use worse reasoning than what a 3 year old uses to try and lie how his mothers favorite vase broke!
And for the record I never wanted Bush re-elected, he was simply a better candidate than Kerry.
"nd before you say that I'm just basing this off of assumptions, so many things concerning the Bible have been proven! More so than evolution or the big bang!"
That is just a total lie. Actually it might just be a falsehood because I think you actually believe it.
The rest of your posts are just more incoherent uneducated bullshit you have scraped from answers in genesis. Typical.
I am done with you.
Oh so your done with me now! Please the only reason why you're quitting is because on at least some level of consciousness you know that I'm right! Your telling me that I'm spouting off bullshit? You still have yet to provide some sort of proof! Thus this discussion has come full circle(see my 1st 2nd and 3rd posts) Enlighten me with the intelligence that you think you have because so far I've seen none!
Yes, I can't be bothered responding to an ignorant hick because I think he is right. It's not because I might have better things to do like oh I dunno read stuff that will improve my mind and not read comments that make me think humanity is going down the shitter.
1. I don't expect to convince you of anything. You are immune to reason and logical thought. I want to mock you.
2. It isn't my job to prove anything to you. The stuff I am talking about is accepted by the scientific community. Your bogus bullshit isn't.
3. The bible isn't a magic book no matter how much you believe it. What you have to understand is that just because you believe it doesn't make it true.
I have never read or heard a creationist or ID claim that hasn't been totally debunked.
Sophistry and solipsism are your prized attributes.
If you want to believe something because of faith because it makes you feel good or makes your life comfortable that is fine. Some of us however want our beliefs to be accurate portrayals of reality. I care if what I believe is true.
1. I'm immune to logical thought? Look at your first post and my retort.
2. Then why are you posting here?
3. Your being a hypocrite here. You believe in evolution, but yet there is extremely small amounts of proof that it is true! But if evolution is true it stands to reason that we wold be seeing it happen on a relatively regular basis! What are you going to tell me next? That the solid rocks are male and the geodes are female? And the holes in them are the womb? Please get a hold on reality!
It is my blog. You don't have to read it. I post because I want too.
Your statements about evolution belay your lack of understanding of it. Have you ever read an actual book on evolution? Please tell me the title of any book you have read on it. Your comments are typical verbatim creationist comments. I know you haven't thought them up yourself because I have seen them many times before.
You wrote "You believe in evolution, but yet there is extremely small amounts of proof that it is true!" This is ridiculous, evolution underpins all of biology. It has more evidence than any other theory.
You wrote "But if evolution is true it stands to reason that we wold be seeing it happen on a relatively regular basis!" We do see it happening. Heard of antibiotic resistant bacteria or insects resistant to pesticide. If you mention macro and microevolution this will be another example of creationist propaganda you will have lifted from a website of ignorance.
You wrote "What are you going to tell me next? That the solid rocks are male and the geodes are female? And the holes in them are the womb? Please get a hold on reality!" I am not sure what this is about but I think you may be referring to abiognesis , which isn't evolution by the way.
The theory of evolution by natural selection was posited by Darwin before we even had an understanding of genetics. Guess what, all the modern understanding from science totally backs up evolution. You are just too lazy to do proper research.
I looked at your first post and found it wanting. Also I already answered your question. Who said nothing erupted?
Creationists always make dumb ass posts and expect people to transfer many years of education to them in reply. It is hilarious. I am sorry if your education was poor but I can't make up for that. You will have to educate yourself. I can recommend some good books that aren't too technical. I assume libraries are free in your country?
Do not be intellectually lazy. Challenge your sacred deeply held beliefs. If you only have faith to back them up then sorry I don't respect it. Your faith isn't a reason for anyone else to believe it.
What you are talking about is adaptation. Now I will admit that I could do a little more research into evolution but from your posts I can easily see that you have not done your research into creationism. I'm 14 years old and I'm still making more sense than you!
Do me a favor, this may be hard for you since you are obviously very close minded, imagine that you knew nothing about any religion and that you had about a 6th grade education, which would make more sense to you? That the universe was created intelligently(by God), or that we were just some random byproduct of the "primordial soup"?
You are 14 lol. What is hilarious is that a creationist twice or thrice your age uses the same arguments so I couldn't tell. Perhaps if I still have this blog in 10 years we can talk again. I will wait till you have been more educated.
I can tell you this. I have never been religious and my parents didn't have a religion or go to church. I was 14 once but I was more clued up than you are. Perhaps its because the school I went to didn't think mythology was science. Educate yourself in critical thinking.
See you in 10 years.
Ah you arrogance never ceases to amaze me very well I can see you won't listen to reasoning. Good bye. And I hope that you find some form of logic soon or your screwed. Merry Christmas.
Do you accept that the earth is round? Do you realize there are still people who believe the earth is flat?
(see "www.theflatearthsociety.org")
Have you researched their publications? Do you feel you need to before saying they are wrong?
See there is a problem in that really coming to understand Science can take a lot of study, because the natural world is incredibly complex, whereas it takes no real time or effort to present some version of primitive creation myths, which simply assert that 'God did it'.
I already said that I'm going to do more research. And I never said that atheists were evil just that you have tendencies toward arrogance and stupidity. Why you believe this (obviously it can't be for scientific reasons however much you say it is) I can't tell. Maybe it's because you want to think that you are Gods yourselfs. Or your just ignorant. Our jobs as evangelists is to save who we can. I'm sorry if you can't believe the truth.
, there certainly are a lot of religious extremists in america!
Yes God did create the universe from nothing, BUT, the difference was and is that there was an omniscient being creating it. What your saying is that we are some random fart of the universe!
Schultz or someone?
So God (something) created something from .... nothing... but you just said something was there! God!
Do you often contradict yourself in one sentence?
I think he meant that God was outside all of our reality. So, to say God made time, space, etc. I think that's what he meant anyway.
He may have meant that but he is still claiming something that by definition he can't know. What does outside our reality even mean? We only know of this universe.
True. What I mean by outside our reality, is that IF something did create all this, then that "thing" made time, space, etc. So that thing wouldn't be apart of it. I don't know how, I'm just clarifying up what I meant.
Lol, It could be we are in a nice little marble universe like at the end of Men In Black (right before the credits). Imagine... We'd never know.
To start off alot of your arguments are fallacies. You are attaking the person insted off the argument. This is know as posining the well. On top of this swearing and ranting and raving dose not furthur your point, if anything it will turn people off from listening to you.
Ok here is my qusition:
How is beliveing that the universe came from nothing, or qutemoum vacoume(pardon my spelling) or multi-univers theory (in any case principles that we do not know about or have changed which we can no longer absorbed) any different than beliving that God created the universe?
Steven, stop posting comments, you have no evidence evolution is reall. You know that Kent Hovind proves that evolution is not real.
You joker you.
I'm not sure when this blog was finished but i felt inclined to post.
Is it not true that all humans strive to answer the question of what are we here for?
Science is simply one answer to this problem, and its man made no doubt; where as you speculate the Bible is man made with no evidence to prove that. Its sad really that 90% of the scientists that have ever lived are living today and that they have all of this "proof" for everything which basically states you don't have to answer to anything; live life for yourself, store up things and money because thats happiness. You wonder why the Bible tells us that in the end times man will love himself more than God? well thats your answer. The furthar man is from God the more man worships himself as a God, true?. Is it also not true that you take pride in your large vocabulary and scientific knowledge and you want to show this off to the world? it most definitally is, i already know. so is it then not true that proving any type of new scientific evidence is some what of a self centered act? or proving somebody wrong to the fact of them caving in to your demands and beliefes a self centered act still? thats your ultimate goal, and that often is what unbelievers believe that Christians are trying to do; that yet again that is far from the truth, thats told to you by your own blinding pride accompainied by other non believers who create a mob of disrespect and hatred - we as Christians know for a fact people will hate us and will not want to listen, we know we will be mocked and mistreated, and yet we still push on and keep our faith because we have been opened up to something unbelievers cannont understand - we have become "New Creatures" once we allow God to dwell in us and we do not feel ashamed when you mock or use insults towards us. your harsh words are NOTHING compared to what we will one day have to endure on this earth, we will be hated far more than you can imagine, we will be killed in the streets for our religion - and you have the odacity to tell us that we do it because there is evidnence for us to have done so based on yet another evoloutionary theory? this benifits us to know that we one day will be judged by the throne of God? punished for standing up an believing? what you need to realize is that God is holy and God is love but with that he also must hate,he cannont be love and love sin at the same time therefore he HATES sin - we all Fear God and strive to be more like him in everyway this is why we can restrain from worldly things, no fear of God = no change. and you my friends have NO fear of God. God is not a big squishy teady bear like some people want to put it, he takes sin seriously - its in his nature to do so, you think stoning is a horible thing? your right it is, its a horible punishment for a horible crime which would bring about the fear of God and change in his people so he may SAVE many from sin - what we need now is God to punish us in such a mannor that you unbelievers will develope a fear for God. You look at the bible through a fog of your own self centeredness. look at it through Gods eyes, he cannot sin, he is eternal thererfore if you turn against an eternal God who offers you eternal life you then must face eternal punishment - its that simple, this is why God can do what he does and remain Loving and Holy. you read the bible you quickly understand we do not like ourselfs - we hate sinful nature, we only learn to love ourselves as we see more of God inside us, we fear God and we know what is one day going to happen. That being said, I believe science is what gives man peace because he now feels his is in total control rather than getting on your knees for a higher power - we Christians are simply doing the will of God in a Jesus like mannor, we get no pride from convincing or exposing the evil, we get nothing out of it - we do it all for the glory of God that his name may be held on High - not out of self-centeredness and pride. so before you refute a believer understand this he is simply doing the duty of God believing man, you have no duty in science the duty is for your own benifit, for pride and arrogance.
you want your name published, you want the world to know you and your accomplishemts -
God is real bottom line, dont base it on science which proves and disproves what it wants, base it on humanity. Watch this world around you and read what the Bible says is going to happen before Jesus' second return. its happening right before our very eyes everyday more and more reasons to believe the Bible and begin a new life - dont let arrogance of whose right and wrong, the truth is there is right in front of you! the end is near, very near, the Antichrist is dwelling on earth and is getting ready to deceive, build your house on the rock, not the sand for you will tumble over. I do not want an argument, but i simply want to leave you all with this:
When the man of peace comes presenting plans for world peace, and unites the worlds religion under one banner do yourself a favor and pray that God will deliever you from this evil and begin his work in you before its to late - because he will come with lieing, signs, and wonders and you will be decieved. its real, it will happen. and when it does you have no excueses.
May God find you and open your willing heart. God Bless
Faith is something outside the realm of objectivity. When you talk about God or make arguments from religious convictions you bring those arguments into the realm of objectivity. You say: "God is real bottom line, don't base it on science which proves and disproves what it wants, base it on humanity." I'm to take that statement to mean that God is outside the realm of science, but yet you, anonymous poster, tell us that you know what God wants and what he needs and so on and so forth. I'm sure that you will tell me that the Bible has told us God's wants and needs, and if God has made himself and his infinite mind intelligible to humans, then he is in the realm of the physical and logical laws of the universe. If you maintain that he is not, you only insult your God. I say this because every great human emperor who lived claimed to be outside and above the law of the land, so by maintaining that God is outside the laws of physics and logic you only make him in your image. As a hyper rational being God should be beheld to the laws of logic and physics or else why make them? Is he that stupid? This is why faith should be kept to itself, because once you talk about it you open your arguments to abuse. My only responsibility is to find flaw with them, not posit another one.
By the way, Steven Munro you're so intellectually hot....I wish there was a gay switch in the both of us so that we can push it and never look back, unless we give each other reach-arounds ;)
Wow I had some bad spelling.
Lets try again
How is believing that the universe came from nothing, or from a quantum vacuum or whether you use the multi-universe theory (in any case principles that we do not know about or have changed which we can no longer observed) any different than believing that God created the universe?
Do not think I can not see the vast differences in they way these theories work or the implications of them. But my point is that either way you have to start of with ‘faith.’ Therefore who is to decide what starting point to use?
"How is believing that the universe came from nothing, or from a quantum vacuum or whether you use the multi-universe theory (in any case principles that we do not know about or have changed which we can no longer observed) any different than believing that God created the universe?"
Who believes that the universe came from nothing? Positing a god explains nothing. How did this hypothetical god do it? Who created this god? The less assumptions made, the better. I don't know how the universe started or if started is even the correct term. The multiverse is a consequence of string theory which is backed up by mathematics. I don't know if it a true reflection of reality or not but it is at least an attempt at explanation. An attempt to conceptualise a problem that is only really explained through mathematics.
"God did it" isn't an explanation. It is being satisfied with ignorance.
You are just jealuse. Bet you that if he debated you guys he will win in 20 minute. Admit it chickens!!!!!!! EVOLUTION IS A DIEING RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Email me at Whatiscreation@gmail.com
With a coherent and articulate statement like that how can I deny the truth you speak?
Ahhh sarcasm.
I believe in the beginning God and you believe in the beginning...dirt.
There is no proof for either one, so what’s your point?
My point is that they are both religion and that evolution is nothing more than an illogical theory.
Just seeing if I know how to use this.
OK, I was the last Anomynous who posted on your blog.
"I believe in the beginning God and you believe in the beginning...dirt.
There is no proof for either one, so what’s your point?
My point is that they are both religion and that evolution is nothing more than an illogical theory."
A false dichotomy and a straw man wrapped into one. Well done. By saying evolution is an illogical theory you have shown your lack of knowledge of it. Please visit talkorigins.org. Read a few books about it. Saying "You believe in the beginning, dirt" shows how lacking in scientific knowledge your are. Abiogenesis is not the theory of evolution by natural selection. Abiogenesis is a term which includes a number of theories or hypotheses regarding the beginning of life on Earth. Evolution is what happened after that, evolution is a fact and the theory of evolution is the scientific communities explanation of how it happened which is backed up with tons of evidence. If you deny this then you are wilfully ignorant of knowledge that is available to you.
Here are some book recommendation
Robert Hazen - Genesis:The scientific search for life's origins
What is Evolution by Ernst Mayr
The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins
Darwins Dangerous Idea by Daniel
Evolution: The triumph of an Idea by Carl Zimmer.
This is just a few but many more exist.
Also I believe dirt exists yes. I have proof that dirt exists, I just checked my garden and my belief that dirt exists still stands. Where is your proof that Zeus exists?
Now please educate yourself, not just for me but for yourself.
What happenened to your posting options on this site?
Ok, maybe "illogical" wasn't the right word to use. The theory of evolution can and sometimes does sound "logical" in one sense or another. What doesn't seem logical to me is the lack of evidence.
"Evolution...is backed up by tons of evidence" I have troubles believing this for I do not recall ever being given solid evidence other than someone stating that they own a rock that was dated to be around 300 million years old. The funny thing is that these people usually do not know how it was dated and only believe it because it was what they were taught.
"If you deny this then you are willfully ignorant of knowledge that is available to you" As I stated before, I have not seen any solid evidence to believe evolution.
I didn't have the time to thoroughly read anything on "talkorigins" but I must have failed to notice any solid evidence again for evolution. I also don't have the time or money to read or buy any of the books that you suggested reading, so could you please inform me on what it was that you wanted to address.
As for your garden example, I did not ask you if you believed dirt exists, but I was stating that it take just as much (if not more) faith, religion, belief, etc. to believe in dirt from nothing than it does to believe in a God from nothing.
As for your question about Zeus, I do not believe in Zeus, but in the God of the Bible. I do not have proof weather either god exists or not. Just remember that God out of our understanding, therefore, an explanation for God's existence is beyond our own understanding
If you are unwilling to take the time to read and learn about evolution then please don't speak about it. Books aren't expensive. Get second hand books. If you aren't interested enough to spend a little money to buy books or even read through websites on the internet then I really can't help you.
I hope you change your mind in the future and you start to value learning.
thank you so much! you showed me just how stupid evolution really is! hovind took that guy down. I think that video is backfiring on you!
I pity you. It is sad the education system in your city has failed you.
You might like to know that Kent Hovind is now in jail for tax evasion.
I cannot believe a majority of the stuff I just read on this page. Oh oh oh oh oh... where 2 start? I am still hysterical that I actually read someone post that they fully believe the earth is only 6000 years old!!!!!!!!! I am not oblivious to the fact there is countless amounts of such nonsense on endless websites and in endless minds out there... it just struck me funny and it has been a while since I've chosen to get "hooked" by the mindless drivel roaming around out there.
No wonder the world is in such a decrepit mess.
Obviously I am realist, atheist, and non-believer... whatever you want to call me. I accept reality and rational, free, unbiased and healthy thought, all of which are impossibility if you imbibe any form of religion.
I'm not going to throw hate per se, just regret that I've been here only 30 years, have seen society and culture in my country and my neighbor to the south actually move backward as of late in rational, critical thinking and more again toward accepting delusional myths. This in spite of much scientific evidence and the more than abundant ability to rationally understand the world we live and the universe around us. Of course we do not have all the answers, nor have a complete understanding of everything, but it is surely nonsensical to accept the alternatives.
I am fine with the fact that we have not yet developed an understanding of certain things. There was times when we couldn't explain where the sun went nor were we able to conceptualize anything other than the idea that if we walked far enough we would eventually fall off the edge of the earth. Scientific inquiry and diligence of open thought will forever evolve to further understand us, our world, everything in it, things around it or potentially others like it.
Religion, in general, offers intolerance, ridicule, hypocrisy and an assortment of laughable nonsense. I mean really... no REALLY… it is truly puzzling to me that so many minds out there are that dysfunctional; seemingly lacking the neuronal connectivity to allow comprehension of reality in light of all the information freely available to us. I honestly am not trying to insult anyone but I can only liken it to a form of mental retardation. A few people are able to access the mental capacity to get it but so many are unable to do so; they either retain or further develop the religious teachings of their parents, society, etc... or migrate toward religion de novo. It is almost as if there is an innate drive in those people toward activities that are mentally asphyxiating. It is probably not unlike the irrationality of addicted gamblers; unable to prevent themselves from dropping money in a slot machine despite the fact they are riddled with credit card debt and possibly living out of their car. Something has gone amiss or was never there in the first place.
I have obviously accepted that in my lifetime my early dream as a youth that the abolishment of religion and subsequent pervasion of healthy, free, tolerant, rational, unbiased and respectful thought throughout societies will sadly never come true.
It is impossible to have hope for a world that is willing to burn, kill, bomb and maim fellow humankind over pink unicorns and flying spaghetti monsters.
What the heck… may “god” help you all? No, really… hahahahahahahahah
Great Post. Too bad more people do not think along the same lines.
I have decided not to rant, throw evidence nor try to pursuade. It would appear to be an impossibility to try and establish neuronal connections in those that are mentally incapable.
Perhaps one day... I hope things do not get worse before they get better despite the increasing lack of progressive thought in the world today.
When the going get tough the majority seem to get stupid.
Accepting reality is such a foreign concept to many americans... over extended yourself, live beyond your means, ignore that interest rates would eventually rise = find yourself in a tent without a pot to piss in nor a window...
Maybe "god" will help them...
Kent Hovind is not stupid or delusional.
Kent Hovind is right, Theory from evolutionist is not make any sense to me.
I'm very sorry for the guys who believe the evolution theory. Com'on get real, God created everything.
You don't know what your talking about, Steven. You haven't even given any real proof. At least Christians are writing to try to save people. You're just being arrogant. God created time and space. It says in the Bible that God had no beginning, and he will have no end. The reason why it is so hard for many people to understand this, myself included, is because everything material on this earth has had a beginning. Likewise, everything will have an end. Also you are stereotyping all Christians into one group. There are many denominations, and very few real christians even in my denomination. If you see a "Christian" acting just like evryone else, than that person is probably a false convert. Also, there is a cure for cancer, but the scientific community won't tell us that. Actually to be correct there are two cures. One of them is in the seed of apricots, and the is other kind of like a grape or something, though I can't remember its name. Also, did you know that the trolobite has one of the most complex eyes that ever existed, even though it was supposedly one of the first animals to live on land? And one of the trolobites that has been found was actually killed because a human stepped on it. You can clearly see the footprint in its fossil.
I mentioned the cure for cancer because if the scientific community won't tell us about this cure, than how doI know the're not lying about evolution?
At least Christians are writing to try to save people
Save them from what? The minute you guys can show ! an absolute moral law exists and b) that your god is the only possible explanation for that law, then your claims that a man and woman who did not have the so called knowledge of good and evil (therefore not created perfect - as they lacked a supposed quality of your supposedly perfect god) were punished for doing something they did not know was wrong, will not sound quite so laughable.
As for your cancer comment - PUR-LEASE!!!!! as someone who has worked on cancer, you just sound like a lunatic! And the eyes of the aquatic trilobites - please dont lie, they are actually quite simple - just collections of relatively simple omatidia.
Creationists, please watch this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk
He's a christian, but no doubt you think he is off to an imaginary hell.
"You don't know what your talking about, Steven."
I posted that entry ages ago and I believe I was drunk at the time. That said it still made 100 times more sense than your comment. Please tell me what exactly "I don't know I am talking about".
"You haven't even given any real proof. "
Of what? Theists claim that god exists. The burden of proof is on the theist. I reject their claim because of lack of proof, or more accurately lack of evidence and logical absurdity.
"At least Christians are writing to try to save people."
Perhaps some Christians really do think they are trying to save people. It doesn't make them right or their beliefs less absurd.
"You're just being arrogant. "
I am often arrogant but I don't think I am "JUST" being arrogant. I am also correct. It matters not. It is a non-sequitur and an Ad hominem attack.
"God created time and space. "
Please provide evidence for the existence of any god.
"It says in the Bible that God had no beginning, and he will have no end."
I am an atheist. The bible is not an authority for me. It is a collection of fables. Read your Christian history.
"The reason why it is so hard for many people to understand this, myself included, is because everything material on this earth has had a beginning. Likewise, everything will have an end"
I don't think that is hard to understand, however I think it is hard to substantiate, backup or support in anyway.
"There are many denominations, and very few real Christians even in my denomination."
They can't all be right but they can all be wrong. You of course think you are a "REAL" Christian. All Christians do.
"If you see a "Christian" acting just like everyone else, than that person is probably a false convert."
I don't care.
"Also, there is a cure for cancer, but the scientific community won't tell us that. Actually to be correct there are two cures. One of them is in the seed of apricots, and the is other kind of like a grape or something, though I can't remember its name."
Wow that makes you sound ignorant on a cosmic scale. Cancer is a general term that covers a multitude of diseases. Cancer cells are growing out with the normal mechanisms that control cell numbers, proliferation and survival. The disease can affect many tissues in the body and species, not just humans. For someone who has studied cancer in a 4th year undergraduate module your comments sound like the mutterings of someone with a mental disorder.
"Also, did you know that the trolobite has one of the most complex eyes that ever existed, even though it was supposedly one of the first animals to live on land? And one of the trolobites that has been found was actually killed because a human stepped on it. You can clearly see the footprint in its fossil."
Complete lies. Do you mean trilobite?
Here is a tip. Please buy a book on critical thinking. Learn about logic, empiricism, what science actually is and how to properly construct an argument. Please learn science on a basic level before you make stupid moronic idiot insane comments about it like "apricots cure cancer".
You are not even wrong. You have to make your way up to being wrong.
Don't be wilfully ignorant. Educate yourself.
I have a question for all the old earth believers(millions of years old). how do you get fossilized trees through several layers of rock? the same layers that are supposed to be millions of years old. did the trees not rot away for millions of years, then petrify? i don't understand how its possible unless the layers formed quickly around the trees, then fossilized? unless their was a oh maybe, a flood.
Ah Joe you come with a typical creationist claim. Here I have done your work for you and searched Google.
well steven i thank you for your research on google. i did have an honest question about this topic. however i did read your research and i have no problem with what it said. for example, this part is no help to you.
"Fossil trees trunks, which extend upward through multiple layers of limestone, have been found in many areas of the world including Kingston, Ontario [there are no such trees in Kingston, Ontario -AM] and Joggins, Nova Scotia [emphasis added].
"This suggests that these very thick deposits were deposited very rapidly. Similar polystata trees have been found extending upright through successive seams of coal. Some of these trees have supposedly stood upright while successive cycles of oceans and peat swamp have pasted through an area. You be the judge as to the most logical interpretation... slow accumulation over thousands of years or... rapid burial during a massive world wide flood."
and the thing about the trees in spirit lake is a misrepresentation because the trees in the flood where not knocked over by a volcano. they easily could have been trees that have already fallen over or easily knocked down when the flood hit. i also noticed that they left out the part about some fossilized trees found upside down.
im sorry, but i do take kent hovinds view on this. that i believe the bible is true, unless without a doubt proven other wise. all iv seen is people saying that evolution is true based on so called facts that have been proven false. or something that that has just as much evidence for a creator.
so i thank you for your time and effort, god bless.
Hi Matthew,
Answers below
"You finally show one bit of evidence in evolution, and wham-o!
it gets proven false."
"Why are there no fossils of the missing link?"
The missing link? What missing link are you referring too?
"Why do we not see evolution taking place?"
We Do.
Speciation in the apple maggot fly is one example.
Read 5.0 Observed Instances of Speciation in this link http://toarchive.org/faqs/faq-speciation.html for more examples
"Do you really think that all of this could have happened by chance?"
Evolution by natural selection is the opposite of chance. You don't understand evolution.
"Why do you think that fossilization takes millions of years?"
I think the generally accepted minimum age for a fossil is 10,000 years. As for how long something takes to fossilise that is determined by the situation in which fossilisation occurred. For example read this http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/content/interviews/interview/647/
If you really care about educating yourself why not buy a textbook on palaeontology or even read the wikipedia article on fossils.
Matthew, why do you think there are no intermediate fossils?
Read this http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-transitional.html That is just SOME of the vertebrate ones and was written 12 years ago. We now have many more.
Typically creationists lie about these things - see this example concerning a transitional whale form (Ambulocetus): http://basketofpuppies-billy.blogspot.com/2008/08
"Wrong is a very non-scientifical
answer. Explain why you think you are still right."
You said "You finally show one bit of evidence in evolution, and wham-o!
it gets proven false. " and I replied "Wrong". My answer was not non-scientifical(you mean unscientific). An answer that is non-scientific is "A god magicked it into existence" or "a talking snake convinced a woman to eat an apple". Saying something is wrong when it is demonstrably so, is very scientific, besides you never backed up your claim that the evidence was proven false, you just asserted it. In other words, you fail. Try again.
"The cross between a man and an ape."
There are multiple books on human evolution, go buy one. There is nothing that is a cross between a man and an ape, that is unscientific. However, there are examples of human ancestry that seem more apelike to us, multiple examples. All human ancestors are animals in their own right, they aren't half ape and half human on their way to the pinnacle of evolution called humanity, there is no such pinnacle, it isn't us. No matter what you think your magic book tells you.
Just because a scientifically illiterate preacher has told you that human ancestor fossils don't exist, doesn't make it so. We have the fossils, they show homology, we have the genetic comparison between humans and other modern primates we know they have a common ancestors. It is scientific fact. You can reject the science if you wish but the next time you get in a car or on a bus you will be a hypocrite.
"That is no example! The apple maggot fly did not "evolve" better, but worse. If, as you say, evolution is "by natural selection the opposite of chance" and that everything that is evolved gets better, then the apple maggot fly must have not "evolved" but they just became deformed and some came the same just, without wings, and the apple maggot fly stayed as the same species, but they just became worse off."
Wrong. What about the multiple other instances that are listed in the link?
"I don't uderstand evolution? I'll tell you how George Washington uderstood evolution.
George(7 or 8 at the time) had discovered some plants which, when looked at, spelled GEORGE WASHINGTON. He went to his dad and said, "Oh, come here, I tell you pa; come here!" George showed his dad the plants and said, "but who should make it there, pa? Who made it there?" "Why, it grew there, of course, my son." answered his father. "No, pa! No, no! Somebody put it there." "Then you think it did not grow there by chance?" asked his dad. "No, indeed, it never did. That couldn't be. You did it." His father continued to ask him if he thought the world came here by chance, and if someone did create it, who? Goerge answered, "God did it." -A biography of George Washington the Patriot President by William M. Thayer."
You cite George Washington (not an biologist) instead of trying to explain how you do understand evolution? I rest my case.
"Educate yourself. You talk about education and research. Well, it looks to me like you are just getting your ideas from TalkOrigins. Research means going to different sources(that includes Creationist and neutral sources)."
The sources I use are scientific sources. The sources you use are sources with an ideological and religious agenda. Why would I go to creationist sources for science knowledge? Do I go to astrologers for my knowledge of astronomy. Homoeopathy practitioners for my pharmacological knowledge? Witch doctors for my knowledge of medicine. I think not.
"These so-called intermediate fossils are not intermediate fossils. During the Flood, the bones of certain animals intermingled with others, and that is what you have there. A perfect example of the power of the Flood."
Scientifically illiterate creationist propagandistic bullshit.
"Excuse me, um, an evolutionist lied when trying to combine the bones of an ape and a man."
And it was an "evolutionist" who corrected this. Science is self correcting, it weeds out the falsified. Religion tries to resist change to the better.
"Athiests around the world: Why have you not accepted Christianity?"
It is demonstrably bullshit. Why have you not accepted Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism? Why are you a creotard and not a Roman Catholic or one of the other branches of Christianity that doesn't so thoroughly retard science to fit its view.
"If you believe that there are no absolutes, what is the use of arguing?"
That is a non sequitur. Who told you that you require belief in absolutes before you can argue.
Hallowed are the Ori
Praise be to Allah
Meaningless nonsense.
All I can say that I will pray for your soul. You do not seem to realise that you will be held accountable for the words of your mouth.
You will be held accountable by the creator of all things, the most high God YHWH. You are not a God and to think the things you do you must somehow believe that you are, which would be a truly scary and pityful idea.
Good luck with serving Satan, he's not a very nice master.
you speak of hate, we as Christians love you and hate what you do.. dont get them mixed up... plus hovind has never lost a argument and you guys have way to much time on your hand to 'TRY' to find error but not so much to find error in evolution.
He lost the argument in court lol
You say you love me but your beliefs and sometimes your actions betray your words. You love me but think I will go to hell and deserve it. All because I don't believe in your fairy.
Chill out and have a biscuit.
I don't blame you for not believing God created the heavens and earth. Cause if you did you would have to admit that he owns it. If the Bible is true and God created it that means it is true that he will destroy it too. That way you can play stupid when your waiting in line to get in to Heaven. lol P.S Don't think that will work but good luck anyway. I'll be praying for you.
You evolutionists have had to go through many different types of beliefs.(Neo-Darwinism, Classic Darwinism, Lamarckism, Hopeful Monster, Punctuated Equilibrium) But as a Christian, I just have to stay with the Word of God
Yep, science changes to fit the facts and the bible remains the same unprovable, worthless myth it was when the goat herders wrote it down on the goat skins!
Also I wish to add that I believe in the Bible and God because everything I have experienced has led me to these beliefs.
dumbass. evolution was proven wrong years ago but they still have it because there is no substitute other than creation. BTW have you read your bible? I read the last chapter. It said "we win" meaning evolution failed hard. Did you know that god is laughing at all the evolutionists in heaven. He wont do anything about it either. You'll one day go to heaven and be judged and "if your name is not in the book of life, thou will go to hell. does fire burn on your finger? Think about eternity in a lake of fire with your whole body burning and since your a spirit you wont die. Keep that in mind if you think god isn't real, let alone kent is stupid.
lol daniel that is so true. just because you have 3rd graders who dont know shit believe in millions of years bullshit, doesnt mean that evolution is ture. Do you know what happens to people who destroy a childs faith. "it would be better if a milestone would be hung about its neck, and they would drown in the depth of the sea" quote from the bible. Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
God did it using magic sounds like a good answer. Who made god again? Oh, sorry I'm not supposed to scratch at that wall am I.
yes Kent Hovind believes in Bible which is the word of God.. which you've obviously haven't read to understand. what do u believe in that the world formed from a dot that exploded and we evolved from then on??? i think u need to re-evaluate yourself and what u believe in. You sound like the moron.
How do you know it is the word of God?
The Bible itself says its the Word of God, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).
before you can make any judgments and criticisms you should test it for yourself, that's the problem with humans we become so hard headed at times that its so hard to see the obvious truth. all we need is to relax and let God work through us.
Job:38:2: Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
Job:38:4: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job:38:2: Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
Job:38:4: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
"The Bible itself says its the Word of God"
Yea, that isn't circular reasoning.
" "I don't believe in God. Can you understand that? Look around you man. Can't you see? The clamor and din of those in torment has to be the sound most pleasing to his ear." "- White, The Sunset Unlimited by Cormac Macarthy
"It is not what the man of science believes that distinguishes him, but how and why he believes it. His beliefs are tentative, not dogmatic; they are based on evidence, not on authority or intuition."
-Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"The notion that faith in Christ is to be rewarded by an eternity of bliss, while a dependence upon reason, observation, and experience merits everlasting pain, is too absurd for refutation, and can be believed only by that unhappy mixture of insanity and ignorance, called faith."
- Robert Ingersoll
"The people of your culture cling with fanatical tenacity to the specialness of man. They want desperately to perceive a vast gulf between man and the rest of creation. This mythology of human superiority justifies their doing whatever they please with the world, just the way Hitler's mythology of Aryan superiority justified his doing whatever he pleased with Europe. But in the end this mythology is not deeply satisfying. The Takers are a profoundly lonely people. The world for them is enemy territory, and they live in it like an army of occupation, alienated and isolated by their extraordinary specialness."
- pp146, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Would you look at that, I can also quote stuff. Ain't I specially.
When it comes to the possibility of God's existence there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God,, It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon.
For those who want to know God if he is there, he says, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you." Before you look at the facts surrounding God's existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him?
I honestly don't know what you mean when you say God.
I find it absurd that the entity that supposedly is omnipotent and created the universe supposedly has a sex.
Given these problems your question "If God does exist, would I want to know him" is difficult to answer. I certainly would want to know such a thing exists.
"there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God"
You could say that about many things that don't exist. For instance I could easily claim this about the lock nesss monster.
if you really want to know then....
"You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you."
I could say the same about the Loch Ness monster.
Those of you who do believe this guy, your loss. And if your even trying to use the bible against Christians, it's because you don't understand it. If you reply to this post in a negative way, please show some real proof. EX: REAL verses from the bible, reliable sources, and some hard core evidence. After you get the proof, how many of you actually researched the opposing "religion" ? I looked at Hovind's facts and researched as many as I could and all of them are dependable.
"I looked at Hovind's facts and researched as many as I could and all of them are dependable."
Perhaps they are, if you have had several serious strokes.
It's very correct that you show this video. You say your own opinion and you let the other side to speak too. That's very correct.
exactly, you evolutionist are just mad cause you know that Dr. Hovind is right!, None of your theory's make sense. You guys have no evidence, all the subosibley evidence you have, have already proven fake! We actually have eye witnesses, (Adam and Eve). What do you guys have? Nothing
That is actually a mistranslation of the Bible. It was actually Adam and Steve. Two gay dudes who adopted an ape which then evolved into humans.
On a serious note, I find the adaptability of the human brain to be amazing. That someone with your obvious brain damage is able to operate a computer and post a message on a blog; an albeit utterly retarded message, but a message none the less.
Way to go little buddy.
To the person who left the comment at the top of the page: So you have read the whole bible have you, and know exactly what is in it, so that is why you are making untruthfull statements?
What comment in particular do you have a problem with Josh? Please quote it.
Kent Hovind is an awesome guy.
Evolution is a religion.
Evolution is not science. Have you ever tested and proved evolution? How did we evolve from single celled organisms????
Considering your rant, I'm guessing you're Atheist. Atheism is the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which soon turned into dinosaurs. Makes sense.
There is a God. Look at the sky, people! HOW DID THAT GET THERE???? WAIT, MAYBE THERE IS A GOD? JUST MAYBE?
Go ahead, try to disprove the Bible. Try to disprove Kent. You. Will. Fail.
Life is all about believing what you can't see. If you seriously need scientific facts that there is a God, then you have already proved yourself to be just another human being.
Jesus says that if you deny Him in front of men, He will deny you in front of His Heavenly Father.
Just because I don't believe what you believe doesn't mean I want to see you burn in Hell. That's why I'm begging all of you. Please, just trust God and give Him your heart, because before you know it, it's gonna be too late.
Don't wait until you see it to believe it. Because by the time you see it, you'll already be dead.
To yaku77:
“A few words need to be said about the "theory of evolution," which most people take to mean the proposition that organisms have evolved from common ancestors. In everyday speech, "theory" often means a hypothesis or even a mere speculation. But in science, "theory" means "a statement of what are held to be the general laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed", as the Oxford English Dictionary defines it. The theory of evolution is a body of interconnected statements about natural selection and the other processes that are thought to cause evolution, just as the atomic theory of chemistry and the Newtonian theory of mechanics are bodies of statements that describe causes of chemical and physical phenomena. In contrast, the statement that organisms have descended with modifications from common ancestors - the historical reality of evolution - is not a theory. It is a fact, as fully as the fact of the earth's revolution about the sun. Like the heliocentric solar system, evolution began as a hypothesis, and achieved "facthood" as the evidence in its favor became so strong that no knowledgeable and unbiased person could deny its reality. No biologist today would think of submitting a paper entitled "New evidence for evolution"; it simply has not been an issue for a century. “
- Douglas J. Futuyma
To Carlie:
I wrote the rant above over five years ago, while drunk. Amazingly enough, it is still makes more sense that your incoherent ramblings.
Now to respond to your comments. My responses are in bold.
“Considering your rant, I'm guessing you're Atheist.”
“Atheism is the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which soon turned into dinosaurs. Makes sense.”
Actually Atheism just means you don’t believe a god exists. That is all. Now there are plenty of things I do believe, and none of them involve magic. You however, can’t make this claim.
“There is a God. Look at the sky, people! HOW DID THAT GET THERE???? WAIT, MAYBE THERE IS A GOD? JUST MAYBE? “
You want me to teach you how the Earth formed? Don’t be so lazy, if you care, research it yourself. You don’t even need to buy a book. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Earth
“Go ahead, try to disprove the Bible. Try to disprove Kent. You. Will. Fail.”
I don’t have to. The Bible is not a historical book. Kent Hovind has already been debunked. He is a charlatan who bilked money from people who don’t understand Science. “Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_Hovind
“Life is all about believing what you can't see. If you seriously need scientific facts that there is a God, then you have already proved yourself to be just another human being. “
Life is about a lot of things. I believe in many things I can’t see. Your god’s invisibility is just one quality against him. I also never claimed to be anything other than “...just another human being.”
“Jesus says that if you deny Him in front of men, He will deny you in front of His Heavenly Father. “
Why should I care what a pseudo-historical figure said, over 2,000 years ago? I don’t even know that Jesus existed, why should I take any of his claims about reality, as if they matter?
I can’t prove Socrates actually existed either but his words matter for their own sake. They are valuable. I need not accept metaphysical infantilism to enjoy and learn from Socrates.
“Just because I don't believe what you believe doesn't mean I want to see you burn in Hell.”
You are nicer than your god.
“That's why I'm begging all of you. Please, just trust God and give Him your heart, because before you know it, it's gonna be too late. “
“Don't wait until you see it to believe it. Because by the time you see it, you'll already be dead.”
I don’t have to see it. Please provide any evidence.
You are the actual definition of "willingly ignorant" whoever posted the video. The only thing you proved posting this video is that God created the heavens and the earth, it means you backfired .You should actually delete this blog if you are trying disprove creation. I believed evolution coz i was taught it in school, but the first 15 minutes of watching Age of The Earth, i believed creation. My Dad is a pastor in south africa and i showed him this blog and he laughed, actually he is still laughing.
Try any way to disprove the bible and it will backfire like yours did. They should call you rocky coz you believe we came from a rock
You are the actual definition of "willingly ignorant" whoever posted the video. The only thing you proved posting this video is that God created the heavens and the earth, it means you backfired .You should actually delete this blog if you are trying disprove creation. I believed evolution coz i was taught it in school, but the first 15 minutes of watching Age of The Earth, i believed creation. My Dad is a pastor in south africa and i showed him this blog and he laughed, actually he is still laughing.
Try any way to disprove the bible and it will backfire like yours did. They should call you rocky coz you believe we came from a rock
It is obvious you did come from a rock, your head is still fool of them.
I didn't read all the comments but all i have to say is evolutionists are people that are blind and are made from rocks and apes.And that we Christians need to pray for them and the unbelievers.
Jesus Christ is Lord of all and all who do not bow down to Him and worship Him will be thrown into the Lake Of Fire. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. Kent Hovind is not stupid. Kent preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is trying to help the doomed come to Christ. All those who deny Christ will be judged. Jesus Christ has won and there is no other Way to the Father other than Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins now.
You'll deny any proof that proves your myths wrong.
According to your idle Mr. Hovind, God intentionally placed contradictions in the bible to test people's faith. These are the words of your idle, he doesn't mention why a God who knows everything would have to test anyone, he already knows the outcome.
You would think a perfect God would make perfect people. This proves God isn't perfect. Oh, that's right fundie, God loved us so much he gave us free Will. I love my 14 year old daughter so much I'm going to give her a pipe full of crack and a lighter and give her the free will to smoke it if she wants.
"It's just a theory" is just an excuse fundies use because they have no valid arguments.
I'm gonna puke if I hear the same straw man arguments again.you fundies have to rely on such dishonesty because you have no valid arguments. Atheism and evolution are not religions and you know it, more confusion to distract from your lack of valid arguments fundie.
If I stand in front of him one day, I'm going to ask him why he gave me no reason to believe he exists, I wanna see what he says.
Kent owes more then 3 million in back taxes, in one of his videos before prison he states he hasn't paid taxes in 27 years.
Read your bible more closely, God wants people put to death for every little thing, this is how little he values human life.
But somehow God created the universe from nothing. Not much of an explanation.
Somehow I can't help but think you are intentionally misleading with your statements.
Are you familiar with the words "I don't know"? We don't know, at least not yet anyway. So let's make something up. Who cares if it's true, as long as it explains what we want to know.
The bible believers were indoctrinated from birth, they shut their minds out to anything in the science class that contradicts their precious bible.
There is overwhelming evidence for evolution coming from multiple branches of science and you know it fundie. One of these days your going to get tired of trying to fool yourself.
Kent Hovind teaches us how to throw away more than 8 years of our lives on stupidity.
Is this the same man of peace who came bearing a sword?
Evidence fundie.
He wouldn't win if I was judging.
This fundie probably knows more about evolution than Charles Darwin, they just refuse to believe the facts because they have been indoctrinated since birth.
It's not the education system, it's indoctrination since birth and constant reinforcement their whole life.
Christianity will for all purposes be extinct in America in the next 50 years. In this day and age it is harder and harder to get people believe what no thinking person can. I'm referring to talking snakes, corpses getting up out of their graves and walking around, talking donkeys, Noahs Ark, parting the Red Sea, turning water into wine, arising from the dead after 3 days, appearing in a burning bush, etc. No thinking person could possibly believe such nonsense, Christianity is on its way out.
I agree, Zeus created everything.
I agree, Zeus created everything.
Kent's logic is sound and the theories he presents match the evidence we have. He hasn't stated it this bluntly, but I will: those who hate God and his rules will believe any absurdity to avoid God and his rules.
Kent does not have to make up dark matter nor dark energy nor relativity to salvage his interpretation of the evidence. Dogma! Holy crap the evil-lucian-ists make up all kinds of things to prop up a theory that keeps falling on its face. When the data does not support the theory you are supposed to get a new theory not make up rescue theories which are so complicated they hammer Occam's Razor into a dull blunt dense dot.
The simplest answer is the most likely. Whether it be the complexity of the universe or the complexity that is you, each of those had to be created. No, no not by a mystic dot, but rather by a creator the information that is the universe is beyond human comprehension.
Kent was getting lots of souls saved. He was turning many away from the satanic religion of evil-lucian (oft' spelled and pronounced evolution, oh wait, that's the same pronunciation just a different spelling). He was sent to prison for paying those who worked in him ministery. Structuring laws which have also been used to seize many family farms were used to do so.
The man makes mistakes as we all do, but his understanding of the science is sound and once again his interpretation of it is far superior to that of the Evil-Luciferianism cult that worships the creation more than the creator as the Bible prophesied they would.
(The KJV is quoted because it is the most literal translation of the Received Text and not composed of the compromised Alexandrian texts.)
God's Wrath on Unrighteousness
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Interesting comments. I am a 50 year old computer programmer that has been successful for 30 years. Age is like wine, the older the better. I accept it still could be rubbish wine. The billions of dollars made by my customers may help, maybe not.
What evidence is there? What is evidence? It's all data, manipulatible by human hands. We are told by Dawkins not to consider feelings. Who is he to tell us that? What has he ever done? Follow the money. Dawkins $multi-millionaire. Book sales sold to saps like us.
At least God doesn't profit from Bible sales.
If you were actually God, how would you communicate a message to the whole human race over thousands of years, if you were limited by a single unchanging message, being honesty and allowing for free will?
I cannot take anyone seriously, such as Kent Hovind, who believes in fire-breathing dragons (dinosaurs that supposedly co-existed with man). Nor can I with anyone who thinks the Loch Ness Monster is real, dinosaurs are still with us, or the "behemoth" in the book of Job was a sauropod. Also who believes that UFO's are piloted by demons or apparitions of the devil. The Grand Canyon carved out in two weeks by the Flood? Come on!
Re: "The Grand Canyon carved out in two weeks by the Flood? Come on!"
OK, for one, as a person who has lived in the mountains of Kentucky in the past, I can attest to a few things when it comes to erosion.
Definition of erosion: e·ro·sion
the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents:
"the problem of soil erosion"
Have you ever been hiking uphill (or downhill) and have seen a gully on the side of the path? You've walked the same trail and are thinking, "Oh my gosh, that wasn't there a week ago!" Then you start to think, "Well, we did have those heavy rains lately." This gully is about 3 feet deep, like, I could put my 3-year-old cousin in it and lose her kind of deep.
If this gully is caused by simply heavy rain, think about what heavy amounts of floodwater could do in a week, two weeks, up to a month!
To me, Hovind simply seems to provide a logical answer as to how this whole system came about: via Noah's Flood as recorded in Genesis 6-8. (6-9 if you want Noah's full account)
Re: "Nor can I with anyone who thinks the Loch Ness Monster is real, dinosaurs are still with us, or the "behemoth" in the book of Job was a sauropod."
Now, I have a few questions for you.
1: Have you ever seen the Loch Ness Monster?
2: Have you ever seen a dinosaur?
3: What is the alternative to it being a sauropod dinosaur?
4: Do you know everything?
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